Our History

1900 Wesley old church
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Software: Capture One PRO for Windows

Facts and Recollections

Many people over the years have contributed to the records that form the information provided here, and the remaining content is from other reputable printed sources.   In noting information about 'Our History' we aim for fairness and accuracy, but if you find something that doesn't look right, let us know by leaving your details via our contact message page  - click here

You are welcome to visit our History Room at the Williamstown Uniting Church - Electra St where there is a range of historic pieces on display. Please contact the church to arrange a time.

We are also very interested in receiving donated church related historic pieces to add to our collection, or to borrow and copy.

As our history dates as far back as 1840, we have divided the information into key blocks of time, and so we hope that you enjoy learning more of, or reflecting on these key aspects of the life our church and people.