Uniting Church in Australia
We are the Uniting Church. A community of people following Jesus and God to live with love, grace and hope in the world. (Taken from the UCA Assembly)
The Uniting Church is the first church to be created ‘in and of Australia’ and we are proud to be the third largest denomination in Australia.[1]
Below is a short video for an overview of the Uniting Church in Australia – where we came from, who we are, our churches, our mission, our agencies, our schools, our values and commitments.
The Logo
For further details on the features that make up the logo for the UCA click here
Basis of Union
The Uniting Church was established in 1977 via the unification of three existing Australian churches: the Methodist Church of Australia, the Presbyterian Church of Australia and the Congregational Union of Australia. The founding document for the Uniting Church is known as the ‘Basis of Union’ and it outlines the fundamental beliefs and structure of our church. You can read more about the history of the Uniting Church and access a copy of the ‘Basis of Union’ click here
Helping Others
Service to the community has always been an integral part of the church and the not-for-profit organisation ‘Uniting’ is the community services arm of the Uniting Church. Uniting offers a broad range of services, positively impacting multiple parts of our community. You can read more about their crucial work click here
You can also help in other ways by donating your time, money to assist the work of the church.
You can donate to our church by clicking here
Introduction to the Revised Common Lectionary
The Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) is a three year cycle of Bible readings. It follows the seasons of the Christian year and begins each year with the first Sunday in Advent (which usually falls on the last Sunday in November). To read more click here.
To see the current lectionary click here
CROSSLIGHT is the bi monthly magazine of the Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania. For the current and past issues click here
For further information on the structures of the Uniting Church in Australia, and other church related resources click below
Links to
Uniting Church Victoria and Tasmania
Presbytery of Port Phillip West
The Uniting Church in Australia (UCA) produces a large range of videos, which can be accessed in full here
International Women's Day ALL God's Creatures An Introduction to Holy Communion