Worship Services

Sunday Worship

As there are now no COVID restrictions relating to Sunday worship services, we look forward to seeing familiar and new faces at our in-person church services which commence at 10.00am and runs for approximately one hour.

The bible readings follow from the Revised Common Lectionary (2024/25 - Year C) which you can find here

If it is your first visit to our church, to learn more information on our service click here

Morning Tea after the service is a lovely opportunity to chat to and get to know other people in the church, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Special Services

During the course of the year, we have Special Services to mark important Christian events and also those within the Uniting Church. To learn about these click here

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is held on the first Sunday of each month; to read more about what Holy Communion is and how it is conducted at our Uniting Church click here

Significant Services

In the journey of life, our church conducts services for all significant Christian connections to God and to each other.

More Information

To enquire about a church service please phone or leave a message here

Rev Peter Beale
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