Giving for others and for the church
As we are a loving and caring church community, living the way of Jesus, and being active in our mission to help others, we aim to be generous in our giving to others.
Through your offerings and efforts, growth, care and nurturing can be elements of our giving and your contributions will be gratefully accepted.
Giving for church appeals, projects or the general fund for the ongoing church expenses, can be done by a variety of ways;
- Attending church services on Sundays and leaving your cash/cheque offering in the open plate
- As above but using church Offering weekly envelopes (these can be arranged for you by request via our contact page
- Specially marked envelopes marked for appeals you wish to support
- Direct Debit / Credit, one off or regular payments via the Williamstown church bank account.
Thank you
Volunteering is also another wonderful way to 'give back' to the community or contribute to the work of the church. You don't have to be a member of the church to help us, whether that be in church maintenance, the garden, working bees - the list is endless.
If you would like more information on Volunteering please contact us here

Direct Bank Transfer
If you would like more information on a regular giving by this direct bank method, you can use the bank details below or contact the church office here
For all offerings to Williamstown Uniting Church -Electra St Westpac Bank
Branch: BSB: 033 - 100 (Williamstown)
Account no: 218 - 147
Description: Offering or other description