Caring for Others




A Church Banner
A Church Banner

Members of the Williamstown Uniting Church - Electra St demonstrate their commitment, service and care for others by our actions and prayer. We care  by supporting a variety welfare and outreach programs, and our fundraising projects.

Uniting is the central body for the Uniting Church’s community services network in Victoria and Tasmania. You can read more about their invaluable work here.   

Proceeds from some of our regular events in the church such as Pancake Day are donated to support the work of Uniting.

The Opportunity Shop   The Williamstown Uniting Church Welfare Program 

With our dedicated team of kind and friendly volunteers, the Op Shop is open on Mondays and Fridays 10am - 4pm, and Saturdays 10am - 1pm. We welcome all community members, whether you come to donate stock, browse and buy, or just come for a chat.

Proceeds from profits go to a range of charities in Australia and internationally, and the list of charities supported is long!

Williamstown Emergency Relief Program

We are proud to support the work of Anglicare's Williamstown Emergency Relief program. We provide the use of our premises to operate this crucial service for our local community and help out as needed.

The service provides a meal on Mondays and food hampers on Fridays for people in need in the Newport and Williamstown communities. It also supports people from outside of the local community when needed.

Williamstown Emergency Relief's main program is 10am – 1.00pm on Fridays from the Electra St premises, via Pasco St entrance, Williamstown.  Food donations will be gratefully received during these times.

If you have any queries or require further information, please call: 0408 129 590  or via link here

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Williamstown Uniting Church – Electra Street has had a long association with the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, providing support through donations, clothing and goods to over 1000 asylum seeking people every week most of whom have no income or work rights.

To learn of their list of the items for donations click here

You can read more about their important work and donate directly here:

Act for Peace Christmas Bowl

Each Christmas we support the work of Act for Peace by donating to the Christmas Bowl appeal, which commenced at our church by Rev Frank Byatt in 1949. To learn more about this program and to donate directly here

We care for our planet

  • The Electra St congregation values all creation and so a focus area is to be more self reliant for energy and water. We have recently installed solar panels  with the aim to reduce our carbon footprint and reduce our usage of energy from coal.
  • We have a large underground water tank which provides sufficient water for our gardens and for other uses
  • We aim to reduce the use of paper by the use digital communication
  • We aim to reduce our waste to landfill by recycling, upcycling and donating unwanted items to others.

We Care for you

  • Pastoral Assistance
  • Complying with Keeping Children Safe (KCS) Policy and for children and other vulnerable people.